Purple background with several dogs looking to the left at a trainer

Ways to Donate

General Donations

Thank you for considering being a life-changer by supporting the Guide Dogs of Texas mission — to provide guided sight to every Texan who needs a guide dog.

Sponsor a Future Guide Dog

Provide a Texan with a visual impairment with the freedom, mobility and independence they require to live a productive, fulfilling life. As a sponsor of a puppy or dog, you will follow its progress through training until it is with a client.

Donor Advised Funds

Guide Dogs of Texas is truly thankful for the generosity of people who choose to recommend grants from donor advised funds (DAFs) to support Texans with blindness.

Charitable IRA Gifts

This provision allows retirees ages 70 1/2 and older to donate up to $100,000 tax free from their IRA each year. Such distributions are not treated as taxable income.

Estate Planning

A gift through your will or living trust provides Guide Dogs of Texas with the fiscal foundation that ensures the continued strength of our extraordinary programs and services for Texans disabled by blindness.

Have any questions?

Contact us at outreach@guidedogsoftexas.org or (210) 366-4081.