Su Young Bae
Puppy Program Manager

Su Young Bae was born and raised in South Korea. Her journey in the guide dogs field began at the Samsung Guide Dog School in Korea in 2003. In 2006, she initiated her training of guide dogs at Guide Dogs for the Blind in Oregon, USA. Over the years, Su Young has worked as a Guide Dog Mobility Instructor (GDMI) in various locations, including the USA, Canada, England, and New Zealand. Additionally, during the pandemic, she served as a private dog trainer in Korea. Through her extensive experience in guide dog business and private dog training, Su Young developed a profound appreciation for the importance of the puppy program. Her passion for this aspect of the work has grown significantly, and she is enthusiastic about collaborating with puppy raisers and their pups in Texas. Beyond her professional endeavors, Su Young finds joy in exploring Texas, fueled by her love for travel. She also has a fondness for wine and good food, especially when shared with good company. Gardening holds a special place in her heart, and she eagerly anticipates having her own vegetable garden again.