Sponsor a Dog

Sponsor a Puppy $500

Raising puppies can be expensive! By sponsoring a puppy, it will go toward the overall cost of raising a puppy.

Name a Puppy $5,000

In some instances, companies/individuals have the unique opportunity to name the puppies we have. Some naming stipulations may apply.

Sponsor a Guide Dog $5,000

When we have dogs in training, expenses can grow quickly since our guide dogs have specific needs. Help sponsor a guide dog! 

Name the Litter $30,000

In some instances, companies/individuals have the unique opportunity to sponsor and name a whole litter of the puppies we have. Some naming stipulations may apply.

Some restrictions do apply. Please contact Michael Crittell in the Development Office at michael@guidedogsoftexas.org for more information.

Please provide whatever contact information you prefer. We will contact you or provide information as you request. Thank you considering sponsoring a guide dog in training or naming a guide dog puppy or litter.

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