Bill Kessler
Board Member
Bill Kessler is a proud Puppy Raiser for GDTX and joined the Board of Directors in 2023. He earned his law degree from Loyola University, New Orleans, and his bachelor's degree from Florida State University. Before retiring, he practiced law in San Antonio for 35 years. Bill volunteered in different capacities throughout his life. As the Chairman of the Zoning Board of Adjustment and Appeals for the City of Boerne from 2005 to 2018, he oversaw public hearings and made rulings on requests for zoning variances from citizens. He coached Little League and Select baseball teams in the San Antonio and Boerne areas for over ten years. His interest in supporting GDTX began a few years after Bill and his wife Anna moved to San Antonio. His daughter and son, who share his love of dogs, remember attending an informational meeting about becoming a Puppy Raiser in the mid-1990s. Timing is everything, after retiring, another GDTX Public Service announcement lured him back. This time he left with Price, a beautiful yellow lab, who is currently in Advanced training. In addition to raising Rio, his second GDTX puppy, Bill enjoys spending time with grandchildren, watching baseball and college football. His quest to cook a better brisket is ongoing.